Shooting Expeditions


  • February 22, 2024

I did a couple shows in Florida in January of 2024.  Between the shows, I had some time to do some shooting.  I primarily focused on coastal images, but I also pursued wildlife when I had opportunities.  There is a lot of swampland in Florida, and many of the preserves and refuges are explorations of these swamps and their inhabitants.


The ocean itself, while a great place to relax and cool off, doesn’t offer much to provide interest in a photo, so one must find things to give the image interest and scale–generally piers.  I spent a morning at Jacksonville Beach shooting the pier at sunrise, then hit Boneyard Beach before heading down to Flagler Beach, where I shot their pier on a drizzly afternoon, and the following morning.  When I got to the gulf side of the state, I discovered the piers had all been destroyed by hurricane Ian, but I found some old pilings that fascinated me.  I spent a few evenings and mornings exploring the different moods of the scene with varying light and water levels as the tides came in and out.


I visited the J.N. Ding “Darling” National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island, and a couple other preserves, where I pursued wildlife images–mostly birds–with some success.


Coastal images are all about the lighting and sky, so once you find a subject that captivates you, visiting the same place repeatedly yields images that vary greatly in mood.  Because of this, one could spend a lot of time in any given area of Florida, and never tire of the scene.


Sunrise at Jacksonville Beach.  I love the light rays in the sand and the colors they create.


A Great Egret fishing at J.N. Ding “Darling” Wildlife Refuge


For the minimalists–I was intrigued by the lines in the sand left by the receding tide as it swirled around this colorful, lone shell.


A view from under Flagler Beach pier.  A long exposure give the water a surreal feel.

A view of Flagler Beach pier from the sand.  It was drizzling off and on, so the light was balanced allowing a view under the pier.



Flagler Beach Pier at sunrise.

A Brown Pelican taking flight at J.N. Ding “Darling” National Wildlife Refuge.

A Little Blue Heron I found in the Big Cypress National Wildlife Management Area.

Alligators are everywhere in the swamp areas.  I found a couple when I stopped at HP Williams roadside park.

These pilings on Naples Beach from a long removed pier fascinated me, and I visited many times. I like the subdued color in this image.

An Iguana let me spend some time photographing him.  The textures of his skin are cool when printed large.

The pilings at Naples Beach, with an amazing sunset.

Found this Screech Owl in the top of this dead tree in Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve.

The pilings on Naples Beach in early morning light. I like the shadows giving some drama to the foreground.

A Roseate Spoonbill in J.N. Ding “Darling” National Wildlife Refuge.


The ocean itself offers little in terms of elements for an effective image.

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