Shooting Expeditions

Wyoming Trip

  • August 22, 2020

In July of 2020, I spent a week exploring Wyoming. As I had been working on my South Dakota book for several years, I hadn’t been out of state shooting in a very long time, and it was a blast!

I started right on the Eastern edge, and explored Devil’s Tower National Monument for a couple days. I hiked around it for a day, exploring different views and angles. I hadn’t seen it before, and it really is a sight to behold. My favorite image from that area is my night shot with the Milky Way visible over a silhouette of Devil’s Tower.

I then spent a couple days exploring the Big Horn Mountains in Central Wyoming. There are many beautiful views and vistas to behold, but the sky wasn’t cooperating, and much of my time there was overcast. It is a gorgeous area, but the essence is difficult to capture in an image.

I spent the last of my week in one of my favorite places–the Grand Tetons. I had been there about 15 years ago, and have been longing to get back ever since. I only spent a day exploring, but I was up for sunrise at ‘the most photographed barn in the world’, and had great light that morning as I explored Schwabacher Landing–one of my favorite areas there.

The trip was a great success, as I got several images I carry in my booth at art festivals.

Devil’s Tower
Midnight at the Tower
Devil’s Tower
Shell Creek
Meadowlark Lake in Big Horn Mountains
Teton Fence
Teton Reflections
Schwabacher Landing
Daybreak at the Tetons
Yellowstone Lake
Teton Morning

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